Friday, December 14, 2018

MS Office Whiteboard App launches New Colors Of Pen, background – Office.Com/Setup |

Microsoft Office setup has come with its most recent updates in Whiteboard app. Since the user engagement on Whiteboard has increased, Microsoft team decided to make it even better and therefore, introduced 10 vibrant pen colors, where the thickness of the pen is adjustable, so you can go from thick highlights to think underlines.
With this new approach, users can play with their own creativity and produce fast designs. Now that you are free to work as flexible as you wish, you can become more productive now. Besides users, who do not have Whiteboard, they cannot enjoy the innovative features of this app.
To be more resourceful, go to and log in using your Microsoft or Office setup account details, purchase a subscription, and get started with the Whiteboard app of Microsoft Office com setup. If you skip the step of purchasing the software, you will not get the access to the app for it is only accessible to licensed users as of now.

An office setup subscription will entitle to your these Whiteboard features

Create an open classroom or conference place to share ideas using the medium of Microsoft Whiteboard.
Moreover, with the changes that have been introduced recently allows you to color your figures with vivid shades and intensities. This new update in Office setup Whiteboard has nine choices for board paint and eight types of gridlines, creating a colorful background will be fun.
As soon as you get a licensed access to, changing Whiteboard’s background color will be open for you. Until now, Whiteboard has only allowed users to write on white background. In addition, for users who have devices with no pen inputs, Microsoft Office development team has given a supplementary support for text entry with the keyboard so they can enjoy the new asset as well.

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